Mbrella Films

Post-Production Services in Mauritius

Mauritius boasts a young but flourishing film industry, nurtured by the government’s support for filmmaking. This beautiful island nation, with its stunning scenery, is a natural fit for filmmakers seeking a breathtaking backdrop for their stories. The Mauritian film industry’s journey began in 2006 with the release of the first Mauritian film, “Benares.” Now, imagine transforming your film vision into reality amidst this idyllic island paradise. Mbrella Films, a leading post-production company with over ten years of experience, can be your partner in making that dream a reality.

Mbrella Films offers a comprehensive suite of services to assist you throughout your post-production journey, from concept to production to completion. Our team of diverse and experienced English-speaking producers brings a wealth of knowledge to the table, having collaborated with both foreign and local crews.

Contact Mbrella Films today for a free consultation and quote!

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Popular types of Post-Production services in Mauritius

post production services mauritius popular types of post production services
Mbrella Films elevates your masterpiece with expert editing, crafting a cohesive and captivating story.

For over a decade, Mbrella Films has shattered geographical barriers, becoming a trusted partner for international brands seeking exceptional post-production services. Our team of highly skilled professionals brings their expertise directly to you, ensuring a seamless experience regardless of your location.

Video Editing

Our editors are the wizards behind the scenes, transforming raw footage into captivating stories. They acknowledge how to apply tasteful transitions, cuts, and visual effects to enhance the story without overwhelming the viewer.


A strong grasp of physics principles help our mastery create realistic motion and interactions, while an understanding of anatomy for animating believable human or animal characters on the screen whether your advertisement, films or tv series.

Color Grading

Our colorists understand color theory and are able to color correct and grade footage to achieve a specific look and mood. Along with their effective communication to understand the director’s vision and client’s brand guidelines allows them to achieve the desired aesthetic.

Distance is no barrier. Our cutting-edge remote workflow keeps you connected and in control throughout the entire post-production process. From initial concept to final delivery, our talented team will be by your side, ensuring a smooth and efficient collaboration.

Contact us today and experience the future of post-production. Bring your project to life with Mbrella Films, your global partner, for exceptional results.

Talented Artists

We go beyond technical expertise. Our team of passionate, English-speaking producers and imaginative minds become your filmmaking partner. We foster a collaborative spirit, working closely with you from the initial spark of your concept to the thrilling moment your vision comes to life on screen. Available 24/7, we ensure a smooth journey wherever you are.


For over 10 years, Mbrella Films has prioritized clear communication and budget control for filmmakers. We provide comprehensive, high-quality post-production services at competitive rates, with a transparent breakdown including any tax incentives you qualify for. This empowers you to make informed decisions about your project budget and maximize your impact.

Don’t Wait! Schedule a free consultation with Mbrella Films today. We’ll discuss your vision, explore creative possibilities that fit your budget and goals.

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