Mbrella Films

Film Production Company in Togo

Togo, located in West Africa, is a captivating country with a diverse range of landscapes that includes lush forests, pristine beaches, and bustling urban neighborhoods, as well as quaint rural villages. Togo is home to a rich cultural heritage that can be expertly captured on film or in a documentary. The vibrant markets offer an abundance of local handicrafts, textiles, and cuisine that can serve as a colorful and lively backdrop for your film production. However, it is essential to note that commercial filming requires permits. Our expert team of producers can handle the permit process for you, allowing you to focus on other pre-production processes and ensuring your film production is ready to go.

Togo has the potential to be your next film destination. Whether your production is a big-budget affair or a personal documentary, Mbrella Film’s in-house producers, with over ten years of experience in the film industry, are ready to serve you. Read on to discover some of the best locations in Togo to scout for your film production.

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Top 5 Filming Locations in Togo



Lomé, situated on the Gulf of Guinea in West Africa, serves as the capital city of Togo. It is a bustling and dynamic metropolis that blends modern and traditional architecture seamlessly. Lomé is renowned for its vibrant markets, stunning beaches, and rich cultural heritage, making it an ideal location for film productions seeking a unique and captivating backdrop.

Lake Togo

Lake Togo

Lake Togo is a must-see location for any producer or director looking to capture the authentic beauty of Togo's natural environment. This shallow lagoon is located in the southern part of the country and is known for its abundant fish population. Surrounding the lake, you'll find numerous villages that offer a glimpse into the traditional way of life of the local people in Togo. This picturesque location is ideal for documentary productions seeking to showcase the local culture and the daily activities of Togolese fishermen.

Mono River

Mono River

The Mono River is the longest river in Togo and flows through the country before entering the Gulf of Guinea. This important waterway is not only home to a diverse range of wildlife, but it is also a popular spot for fishing and boating activities. A film or documentary that seeks to showcase the beauty and traditional way of life of Togo must include this location in their production.

Fazao-Malfakassa National Park

Fazao-Malfakassa National Park

Fazao-Malfakassa National Park, located in the central part of Togo, is a protected area that boasts a diverse range of wildlife species and breathtaking landscapes. The park features rolling hills, savannah grasslands, and dense forests, making it an ideal location for a variety of film genres, such as hiking and wildlife documentaries. Don't miss the chance to capture the natural beauty of this national park in your next film production.

Oti-Kéran National Park

Oti-Kéran National Park

The Oti-Kéran National Park, situated in the northern part of Togo, offers an ideal location for a film production with its diverse wildlife and breathtaking scenery. The park's forests, savannah fields, and waterfalls can provide a stunning backdrop for various film genres, particularly documentary films. Visitors can go on guided safaris to observe the wildlife and learn about the park's conservation efforts.

Professional Crews

At Mbrella Films, we understand that filming in a foreign country can present logistical challenges, including sourcing the necessary equipment and crew. Fortunately, our local production company has a vast selection of equipment including cameras, lenses, lighting, and sound equipment. Additionally, we have a well-experienced crew that is ready to assist you in your film production needs, from pre-production to post-production. With over 10 years of experience in the industry, our producers will ensure your production runs smoothly in Togo.

Budget for Film Production in Togo

With its stunning landscapes, Togo provides a wealth of opportunities for your film production. Our producers are highly communicative and efficient, ensuring your project stays within budget and on schedule, from pre-production to post-production. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about filming in Togo, please don’t hesitate to contact us using the form below.

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