Mbrella Films
Film Production Company in Indonesia
Indonesia offers countless breathtaking landscapes to urban settings. With these diverse backdrops for your creative vision, anything can happen. We offer unparalleled opportunities for filmmakers seeking production partners here in Indonesia. With 15+ years under our belt in the industry, we are ready to walk you through the whole production process, keeping your budget in check while maintain the highest quality with our premium production services.
When it comes to productions, keeping an effective workflow is key. Mbrella Films, being an establish film production company for many years, has nailed this system down to at. Our English-speaking producers are ready to help elevate your production and stretch it beyond expectations with an in-depth creative process. From Pre-production to Production to Post-Production, we have you covered. Reach out today and start your production journey off on the right foot.
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Top 5 Filming Locations in Indonesia
Mount Bromo - East Java

An active volcano sits in it’s empire of hills and volcanoes creating a stunning landscape that you can’t find anywhere else. This is definitely a top recommendation for filmmakers anywhere! Best time for shooting at this particular location will be during the sunrise hours of the day.
Bali - Uluwatu

Uluwatu is celebrated for its cliff-top temple and breathtaking ocean views. With waves ranging from 2.5 to 7 meters tall during May through October, it invites over thousands of surfers each year. Capture gnarly waves that are budget friendly here. A series of short documentaries with Patagonia and Gerry Lopez put a spotlight on the surfing scene in Uluwatu.
Jakarta - Kota Tua

Uluwatu is celebrated for its cliff-top temple and breathtaking ocean views. With waves ranging from 2.5 to 7 meters tall during May through October, it invites over thousands of surfers each year. Capture gnarly waves that are budget friendly here. A series of short documentaries with Patagonia and Gerry Lopez put a spotlight on the surfing scene in Uluwatu.
Yogyakarta - Prambanan Temple

For almost over 400 years, from 1602 to 1949, The Dutch were on and off in Indonesia. They left major influences around the islands. As a result, many European colonial architectural builds can be found across the islands. With an ancient colonial backdrop, you have European styled building served to you on a silver platter without having to drain your budget!
Flores - Wae Rebo

Wae Rebo is a traditional village that remotely sits on the top of a mountain. This particular location requires a 3-4 hour hike. But this is a scene worth the work! Consider a hidden gem and the rich culture here a huge bonus for any type of film production.