Mbrella Films

Film Production Company in China

China is not only the second-largest economy globally, but also a thriving film market, making it an excellent choice for your next film production. At Mbrella Films, we specialize in supporting film production in China, offering assistance throughout the entire process, from pre-production to post-production. With our experienced producers by your side, we provide decades of expertise to guide you every step of the way. Whether it’s navigating the local industry landscape, handling logistics, obtaining permits, or managing creative aspects, we ensure a smooth and successful production.

We have approval from the film board in China, affirming our capability to deliver your project at the highest standard. With our team of highly experienced producers and crew members, we guarantee excellence in execution. We can acquire the necessary permits for filming in China, ensuring a seamless and successful production process. Whether you are based in China or not, we are here to help you produce your next film in China. Feel free to contact us now and take the first step towards bringing your vision to life in this remarkable country.

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Top 5 Filming Locations in China

The Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China is one of the most renowned filming and tourist destinations in China. Stretching across various provinces, including Beijing, Hebei, and Shanxi, it offers a range of sections that have attracted filmmakers and visitors alike. Sections like Badaling, Mutianyu, and Jinshanling have emerged as popular choices for filmmakers due to their well-preserved structures and picturesque surroundings. Notably, blockbuster-tier film productions such as “The Great Wall,” featuring Matt Damon, have chosen this iconic location for their film.

Zhangjiajie National Forest Park

Zhangjiajie National Forest Park

Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, located in Hunan Province, is renowned for its breathtaking natural scenery. The park features towering sandstone pillars, deep canyons, and lush forests. It served as the inspiration for the floating mountains in the movie “Avatar.” Since then, Zhangjiajie has become a popular filming location for fantasy and adventure films.

Guilin and The Li River

Guilin and The Li River

The karst landscapes of Guilin in Guangxi Province and the Li River provide filmmakers with stunning and picturesque scenery. These unique karst formations and serene rivers have served as backdrops in several movies, including “The Last Emperor,” “The Myth,” and “Chinese Zodiac,” showcasing their natural beauty to audiences worldwide.

Jiuzhaigou Valley

Jiuzhaigou Valley

Jiuzhaigou Valley, situated in Sichuan Province, China, is a stunning filming location celebrated for its breathtaking natural beauty. The valley is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and serves as a popular tourist destination, drawing visitors with its colorful lakes, cascading waterfalls, snow-capped peaks, and dense forests. This picturesque setting has also captured the attention of filmmakers, with the notable Chinese movie “Hero” by Zhang Yimou being filmed in this location.



Shanghai’s blend of modernity, historical charm, and vibrant street life make it an attractive filming location for a wide range of genres. The city’s versatility and distinctive visual appeal have attracted filmmakers seeking diverse settings and captivating backdrops for their productions. Blockbuster-tier film productions like “Skyfall” and “Mission: Impossible III” showcased Shanghai’s iconic skyline, landmarks, and bustling streets.

Professional Crews

Mbrella Films can provide you with a range of equipment to suit your budget and needs, from the standard tier to the top tier like ARRIs and REDs. Also, English-speaking crews with extensive experience can be arranged for your film production in China. Additionally, we can provide you with producers who have over a decade of experience in film production to help guide and walk you through the whole production process, ensuring the seamless experience of your production in China.

Budget for Film Production in China

Budget is always one of the most important aspects of film production wherever you’re filming. Our producers will break down the line budget and inform you of where your money is invested throughout the production process. This process can ensure transparency and guarantee there are no hidden costs or additional charges while working with us. Contact us now via the form below if you want to elevate your next film production to the next level in China.

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