Mbrella Films
Film Fixer Laos
A Laos film fixer will get right to work before foreign directors and producers even step onto a flight from their native countries. Film fixers serve a variety of valuable roles in the production process. They work as location scouts, interpreters, negotiators, liaisons with officials, and general troubleshooting problem solvers. Fixers are indispensable, particularly when it comes to shooting in foreign locales. And this is especially the case when it comes to shooting off the beaten path in developing nations such as Laos. Mbrella Films has hard-working, industrious Laos film fixer experts who are always on call and ready for action. Contact us any time by filling out the form below. Read on to learn more about how a Laos film fixer can help your next project!

Location Scouting & Management Fixer Services

Some productions considering coming to Laos will send over their own scouts beforehand to home in on which specific locations are ideal. Other productions will rely entirely on a Laos film fixer to do the scouting. Even if you decide to send over pre-production staff to help choose locations in person, a local fixer will help greatly. This fixer will be apprised of which locations are available and which are off-limits. They will know how to locate absentee landlords, and how to arrange for transportation services to access remote destinations.
Choosing which locations to shoot in is one of the most important decisions a director or producer can make. Locations add atmosphere and ambiance to any film, series, or TVC. They bring a story to life, establishing setting and creating an environment for narratives to play out. Essentially, a location is the main character in every story. Not only that, but locations affect both storytelling and logistical aspects of the production process. Locations can make or break a project.
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Permits Fixing Services

A film fixer in Laos will help producers with location scouting, but the job doesn’t stop there. There is also the very important matter of obtaining the proper permits and licenses from official entities like film boards and administrative agencies. This is where film fixers shift into overdrive. Fixers in Laos have been through this bureaucratic process hundreds if not thousands of times. They know who to contact in which office, when, and how to expedite permit approval.
Obtaining permits is of paramount importance. Failure to do so could delay or halt production entirely, wasting money, resources, and time. Film fixers are keenly aware of this. They know how much time and dedication is put into shooting in a foreign location, and they will never compromise until everything is dialed in. Some locations will be more difficult to obtain permits for than others. Yet a Laos film fixer will labor tirelessly to make this process easy for producers so more of the focus can be on the creative side of things.
Equipment and Crew Services

Once locations are chosen, and permits are in place, there’s still the important matter of crew and equipment. Inevitably, some crew and equipment will need to be procured locally. Larger productions might import cameras and sound gear, while renting specialty equipment such as jibs, rigs, and cranes in Laos or importing from nearby Bangkok. A Laos film fixer knows all the local rental houses and can call upon a network of industry contacts. Fixers always work within budget to ensure that a visiting production has the gear it needs and trained equipment operators.
Expert film fixers know their local industry infrastructure better than anyone. They will know which local production support staff is available and at what rates. Fixers can help hire staff such as PA’s and wardrobe assistants, as well as major lead roles such as DP’s. Furthermore, fixers help with negotiating the best possible day rates for these roles. They help with managing local workers and ensuring that they are doing their best work. Film fixers also make sure to find local hires that are fluent in English and/or Mandarin, which makes production exponentially more efficient.
Fixing & Production Support

In Laos a professional film fixer does not stop with just location scouting and permit assistance. They are basically jack of all trades production support staff. A fixer is particularly useful during the pre-production process, however they also remain on call until principal photography is wrapped and even into post. Fixers can help foreign productions to access local editing suites and hire special effects artists as well. Essentially, a fixer’s job is never done. Fixers thrive in this ever-changing role, always rising to the occasion to help troubleshoot and preempt obstacles to production success. They continue to labor in the trenches, getting their hands dirty in order to help directors achieve their creative vision.
Mbrella Films has dedicated fixers who understand the unique conditions of shooting in Laos. These natives have the language abilities, connections, and networks to smooth out every stage of production from story boarding to final cut. Feel free to reach out to us anytime via email, phone, or contact form. As always, Mbrella remains your key film making allies in Laos and the greater Asia Pacific region.